Results for 'Trevor Hussey M. A. DPhil'

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  1.  49
    Analytic philosophy.Trevor Hussey M. A. DPhil - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (1):66–69.
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    Evolution and nursing.Trevor Hussey MA DPhil - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (3):240–251.
  3.  23
    Intellectual seductions.Trevor B. Hussey BA MA DPhil - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (2):104–111.
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    Transition systems for designing and reasoning about norms.Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 23 (4):345-366.
    The design and analysis of norms is a somewhat neglected topic in AI and Law, but this is not so in other areas of Computer Science. In recent years powerful techniques to model and analyse norms have been developed in the Multi-Agent Systems community, driven both by the practical need to regulate electronic institutions and open agent systems, and by a theoretical interest in mechanism design and normative systems. Agent based techniques often rely heavily on enforcing norms using the software (...)
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  5. A comparison of four ontologies for the design of legal knowledge systems.Pepijn R. S. Visser & Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 6 (1):27-57.
    There is a growing interest in how people conceptualise the legal domain for the purpose of legal knowledge systems. In this paper we discuss four such conceptualisations (referred to as ontologies): McCarty's language for legal discourse, Stamper's norma formalism, Valente's functional ontology of law, and the ontology of Van Kralingen and Visser. We present criteria for a comparison of the ontologies and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the ontologies in relation to these criteria. Moreover, we critically review the criteria.
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    Try to see it my way: Modelling persuasion in legal discourse. [REVIEW]Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 11 (4):271-287.
    In this paper I argue that to explain and resolve some kinds of disagreement we need to go beyond what logic alone can provide. In particular, following Perelman, I argue that we need to consider how arguments are ascribed different strengths by different audiences, according to how accepting these arguments promotes values favoured by the audience to which they are addressed. I show how we can extend the standard framework for modelling argumentation systems to allow different audiences to be represented. (...)
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    Building Effective Mentoring Relationships During Clinical Ethics Fellowships: Pedagogy, Programs, and People.Trevor M. Bibler, Ryan H. Nelson, Bryanna Moore, Janet Malek & Mary A. Majumder - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (1):1-29.
    How should clinical ethicists be trained? Scholars have stated that clinical ethics fellowships create well-trained, competent ethicists. While this appears intuitive, few features of fellowship programs have been publicly discussed, let alone debated. In this paper, we examine how fellowships can foster effective mentoring relationships. These relationships provide the foundation for the fellow’s transition from novice to competent professional. In this essay, we begin by discussing our pedagogical commitments. Next, we describe the structures our program has created to assist our (...)
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  8. A factor-based definition of precedential constraint.John F. Horty & Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 20 (2):181-214.
    This paper describes one way in which a precise reason model of precedent could be developed, based on the general idea that courts are constrained to reach a decision that is consistent with the assessment of the balance of reasons made in relevant earlier decisions. The account provided here has the additional advantage of showing how this reason model can be reconciled with the traditional idea that precedential constraint involves rules, as long as these rules are taken to be defeasible. (...)
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    Nursing Ethics and Codes of Professional Conduct.Trevor Hussey - 1996 - Nursing Ethics 3 (3):250-258.
    Nurses, like many other professional and semiprofessional groups, have a code of con duct. This raises important philosophical questions about the point of including nursing ethics in nursing education and about the content and methods of such teaching. This paper identifies seven functions that might be fulfilled by professional codes; it discusses the philosophical issues these raise and the implications for teaching professional ethics. It is argued that, far from codes rendering the teaching of ethics unnecessary, they pro vide additional (...)
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  10. Realism and nursing.Trevor Hussey - 2000 - Nursing Philosophy 1 (2):98–108.
    It is argued that philosophical realism is well suited to serve as a perspective from which to understand nursing, and that it should be considered as an alternative to positivist, interpretivist, hermeneutical and phenomenological approaches. However, existing forms of realism, including theory and entity realism are shown to be faced with serious problems. In response, an alternative form ‘constraint realism’ is outlined, and shown to be apposite for illuminating the rule or convention governed behaviour characteristic of human beings. A brief (...)
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  11.  24
    Establishing norms with metanorms in distributed computational systems.Samhar Mahmoud, Nathan Griffiths, Jeroen Keppens, Adel Taweel, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon & Michael Luck - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 23 (4):367-407.
    Norms provide a valuable mechanism for establishing coherent cooperative behaviour in decentralised systems in which there is no central authority. One of the most influential formulations of norm emergence was proposed by Axelrod :1095–1111, 1986). This paper provides an empirical analysis of aspects of Axelrod’s approach, by exploring some of the key assumptions made in previous evaluations of the model. We explore the dynamics of norm emergence and the occurrence of norm collapse when applying the model over extended durations. It (...)
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  12.  31
    If she is conscious, what is she?Trevor Hussey - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (2):e12248.
    What is consciousness? What is its importance and how is it to be described? The paper looks at some of the principal theories and their attempts to solve the “hard problem” of how consciousness is produced by nervous tissue, and attempts to close the “explanatory gap” between such (apparently) profoundly different things as subjective awareness and a physical brain. It ends with a tentative suggestion that, despite centuries of philosophical frustration, recent appeals to quantum physics may offer a glimmer of (...)
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  13.  36
    Intellectual seductions.Trevor B. Hussey - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (2):104-111.
    In this paper it is argued that we have three dispositions, each of which is very laudable in itself: a preference for the positive, constructive and creative aspects of human endeavours; a desire to be open‐minded and tolerant concerning ideas and beliefs; and an admiration of profundity. I have suggested that these dispositions can, if exaggerated or employed uncritically, seduce us into intellectual positions that are very dubious. These arguments are applied to some of the debates within the philosophy of (...)
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  14.  70
    Evolutionary change and epistemology.Trevor Hussey - 1999 - Biology and Philosophy 14 (4):561-584.
    This paper is concerned with the debate in evolutionary epistemology about the nature of the evolutionary process at work in the development of science: whether it is Darwinian or Lamarckian. It is claimed that if we are to make progress through the many arguments that have grown up around this issue, we must return to an examination of the concepts of change and evolution, and examine the basic kinds of mechanism capable of bringing evolution about. This examination results in two (...)
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    The Trouble with Higher Education: A Critical Examination of Our Universities.Trevor Hussey - 2010 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    This title is a powerful and topical critique of the higher education system in the UK, with relevance for countries with similar systems. The issues discussed focus on the problems facing the principle responsibilites of universities: teaching, learning and research.
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    Nursing and spirituality.Trevor Hussey - 2009 - Nursing Philosophy 10 (2):71-80.
    Those matters that are judged to be spiritual are seen as especially valuable and important. For this reason it is claimed that nurses need to be able to offer spiritual care when appropriate and, to aid them in this, nurse theorists have discussed the nature of spirituality. In a recent debate John Paley has argued that nurses should adopt a naturalistic stance which would enable them to employ the insights of modern science. Barbara Pesut has criticized this thesis, especially as (...)
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  17.  22
    Computational mechanisms underlying the dynamics of physical and cognitive fatigue.Julian Matthews, M. Andrea Pisauro, Mindaugas Jurgelis, Tanja Müller, Eliana Vassena, Trevor T.-J. Chong & Matthew A. J. Apps - 2023 - Cognition 240 (C):105603.
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  18.  38
    Evolution and nursing.Trevor Hussey - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (3):240-251.
    Evolutionary theory has been a very popular topic in recent years and it has been claimed that it can make a major contribution to the advance of several sciences such as medicine, psychology, psychopathology and sociology: even providing them with new paradigms. This paper explores the possibility that nursing could benefit similarly by adopting an evolutionary perspective. After sketching the scientific and philosophical background to the recent developments concerning evolution, and briefly mentioning the chief features of evolutionary theory, the paper (...)
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    Efficiency and Health.Trevor Hussey - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (3):181-190.
    Efficiency has become of central importance in health care and is seen as wholly laudable. It appears to offer a precise and objective means of evaluating and comparing institutions, practices and individuals, and is a principle that underlies techniques of cost-benefit analysis and other methods of option appraisal. However, there is a need to examine the concept of efficiency and explore the problems of its application within health care. Efficiency is a value laden notion and it cannot be used as (...)
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  20.  13
    A New Hope for the Symbolic, for the Subject.Norma M. Hussey - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (2).
    This paper is perhaps an impressionistic response to accounts of the extraordinary set-theoretical activity being undertaken by W. Hugh Woodin (mathematician) and colleagues in the present moment, in the context of the mathematical ontology proposed and elaborated by Alain Badiou (philosopher). The argument presented is that the prevailing and sustained incoherence of the mathematical ontology (i.e. set theory) underscores a contemporary deficit of humanity’s symbolic organization which, in turn, yields confusion and conflict in terms of subjective orientation. But a new (...)
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    A Risk Is Not a Harm: Abortion Exceptions in State Laws.Trevor M. Bibler & Alison Suen - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (4):47-47.
    This letter responds to the article “Beneath the Sword of Damocles: Moral Obligations of Physicians in a Post-Dobbs Landscape,” by Anne Drapkin Lyerly, Ruth R. Faden, and Michelle M. Mello, in the May-June 2024 issue of the Hastings Center Report.
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    Just caring.Trevor Hussey - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (1):6-14.
    Social justice is concerned with fair distribution of the benefits and burdens of living together in society. Regarding nursing care, social justice is concerned with who should receive its benefits, how much they should receive, and who should take up the burden of providing and paying for it. A specific thesis is offered: ‘Health care, including nursing care, should be distributed on the basis of need, free at the point of use, the cost being born by the community involved.’ This (...)
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  23.  40
    The envelope of a pointclass under a local determinacy hypothesis.Trevor M. Wilson - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (10):991-1018.
  24.  35
    Common to body and soul: philosophical approaches to explaining living behaviour.R. A. H. King, E. Hussey, R. Dilcher, D. O'Brien, T. Buchheim, P.-M. Morel, T. K. Johansen, R. W. Sharples, C. Rapp, C. Gill & R. J. Hankinson - unknown
    The volume presents essays on the philosophical explanation of the relationship between body and soul in antiquity from the Presocratics to Galen. The title of the volume alludes to a phrase found in Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus, referring to aspects of living behaviour involving both body and soul, and is a commonplace in ancient philosophy, dealt with in very different ways by different authors.
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Responding to Those Who Hope for a Miracle: Practices for Clinical Bioethicists”.Trevor M. Bibler, Myrick C. Shinall & Devan Stahl - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (5):W1-W5.
    Significant challenges arise for clinical care teams when a patient or surrogate decision-maker hopes a miracle will occur. This article answers the question, “How should clinical bioethicists respond when a medical decision-maker uses the hope for a miracle to orient her medical decisions?” We argue the ethicist must first understand the complexity of the miracle-invocation. To this end, we provide a taxonomy of miracle-invocations that assist the ethicist in analyzing the invocator's conceptions of God, community, and self. After the ethicist (...)
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  26.  14
    Weakly remarkable cardinals, erdős cardinals, and the generic vopěnka principle.Trevor M. Wilson - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (4):1711-1721.
    We consider a weak version of Schindler’s remarkable cardinals that may fail to be ${{\rm{\Sigma }}_2}$-reflecting. We show that the ${{\rm{\Sigma }}_2}$-reflecting weakly remarkable cardinals are exactly the remarkable cardinals, and that the existence of a non-${{\rm{\Sigma }}_2}$-reflecting weakly remarkable cardinal has higher consistency strength: it is equiconsistent with the existence of an ω-Erdős cardinal. We give an application involving gVP, the generic Vopěnka principle defined by Bagaria, Gitman, and Schindler. Namely, we show that gVP + “Ord is not ${{\rm{\Delta (...)
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    A game‐theoretic proof of Shelah's theorem on labeled trees.Trevor M. Wilson - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (2):190-194.
    We give a new proof of a theorem of Shelah which states that for every family of labeled trees, if the cardinality κ of the family is much larger (in the sense of large cardinals) than the cardinality λ of the set of labels, more precisely if the partition relation holds, then there is a homomorphism from one labeled tree in the family to another. Our proof uses a characterization of such homomorphisms in terms of games.
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    Eye Gaze and Aging: Selective and Combined Effects of Working Memory and Inhibitory Control.Trevor J. Crawford, Eleanor S. Smith & Donna M. Berry - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:298724.
    Eye-tracking is increasingly studied as a cognitive and biological marker for the early signs of neuropsychological and psychiatric disorders. However, in order to make further progress, a more comprehensive understanding of the age-related effects on eye-tracking is essential. The antisaccade task requires participants to make saccadic eye movements away from a prepotent stimulus. Speculation on the cause of the observed age-related differences in the antisaccade task largely centers around two sources of cognitive dysfunction: inhibitory control (IC) and working memory (WM). (...)
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    (1 other version)The large cardinal strength of weak Vopenka’s principle.Trevor M. Wilson - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (1):2150024.
    We show that Weak Vopěnka’s Principle, which is the statement that the opposite category of ordinals cannot be fully embedded into the category of graphs, is equivalent to the large cardinal principle Ord is Woodin, which says that for every class [Formula: see text] there is a [Formula: see text]-strong cardinal. Weak Vopěnka’s Principle was already known to imply the existence of a proper class of measurable cardinals. We improve this lower bound to the optimal one by defining structures whose (...)
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    If You Can’t Join ‘Em, Report ‘Em: A Model of Ostracism and Whistleblowing in Teams.Trevor M. Spoelma, Nitya Chawla & Aleksander P. J. Ellis - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (2):345-363.
    Unethical behavior coordinated and concealed by teams continues to represent a troubling and all-too-frequent occurrence in organizations. Unfortunately, those who are most knowledgeable about this behavior and thereby best suited to report it to authorities—the complicit members themselves—are susceptible to unique pressures that often discourage them from blowing the whistle. Team members rely on their teammates for relational and other beneficial resources, making it more difficult to potentially break those ties by snitching. However, we argue that the pressure to stay (...)
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    Against the Phrase “Aggressive Care”.Trevor M. Bibler - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-3.
    Language is the primary technology clinical ethicists use as they offer guidance about norms. Like any other piece of technology, to use the technology well requires attention, intention, skill, and knowledge. Word choice becomes a matter of professional practice. The Brief Report offers clinical ethicists several reasons for rejecting the phrase “aggressive care.” Instead, ethicists should consider replacing “aggressive care” with the adjacent concept of a “recovery-focused path.” The virtues of this neologism include: the opportunity to set aside the emotion (...)
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    Generic Vopěnka cardinals and models of ZF with few $$\aleph _1$$ ℵ 1 -Suslin sets.Trevor M. Wilson - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):841-856.
    We define a generic Vopěnka cardinal to be an inaccessible cardinal \ such that for every first-order language \ of cardinality less than \ and every set \ of \-structures, if \ and every structure in \ has cardinality less than \, then an elementary embedding between two structures in \ exists in some generic extension of V. We investigate connections between generic Vopěnka cardinals in models of ZFC and the number and complexity of \-Suslin sets of reals in models (...)
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    Philosophy of education in a new key: Snapshot 2020 from the United States and Canada.Liz Jackson, Kal Alston, Lauren Bialystok, Larry Blum, Nicholas C. Burbules, Ann Chinnery, David T. Hansen, Kathy Hytten, Cris Mayo, Trevor Norris, Sarah M. Stitzlein, Winston C. Thompson, Leonard Waks, Michael A. Peters & Marek Tesar - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1130-1146.
    This article shares reflections from members of the community of philosophers of education in the United States and Canada who were invited to express their insights in response to the theme ‘Snaps...
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    The Writings of John Mauropous: A Bibliographical Note.J. M. Hussey - 1951 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 44 (1-2).
  35. Fly~, Rex A., 203.Sylvia Joseph Galambos, C. R. Gallistel, Rachel Gelman, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Trevor A. Harley, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Jonathan D. Kaye, Stephen M. Kosslyn, Robert J. Melara & Elizabeth F. Shipley - 1990 - Cognition 34 (303):303.
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    A Qualitative Exploration of a Clinical Ethicist’s Role and Contributions During Family Meetings.Courtenay R. Bruce, Trevor M. Bibler, Adam M. Pena & Betsy Kusin - 2016 - HEC Forum 28 (4):283-299.
    Despite the interpersonal nature of family meetings and the frequency in which they occur, the clinical ethics literature is devoid of any rich descriptions of what clinical ethicists should actually be doing during family meetings. Here, we propose a framework for describing and understanding “transitioning” facilitation skills based on a retrospective review of our internal documentation of 100 consecutive cases wherein a clinical ethicist facilitated at least one family meeting. The internal documents were analyzed using qualitative methodologies, i.e., “codes”, to (...)
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  37.  22
    Responding Well to Spiritual Worldviews: A Taxonomy for Clinical Ethicists.Trevor M. Bibler - 2023 - HEC Forum 35 (4):309-323.
    Every clinical ethics consultant, no matter their own spirituality, will meet patients, families, and healthcare professionals whose spiritualities anchor their moral worldviews. How might ethicists respond to those who rely on spirituality when making medical decisions? And further, should ethicists incorporate their own spiritual commitments into their clinical analyses and recommendations? These questions prompt reflection on foundational issues in the philosophy of medicine, political and moral theory, and methods of proper clinical ethics consultation. Rather than attempting to offer definitive answers (...)
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    The Weak Vopěnka Principle for Definable Classes of Structures.Joan Bagaria & Trevor M. Wilson - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (1):145-168.
    We give a level-by-level analysis of the Weak Vopěnka Principle for definable classes of relational structures ( $\mathrm {WVP}$ ), in accordance with the complexity of their definition, and we determine the large-cardinal strength of each level. Thus, in particular, we show that $\mathrm {WVP}$ for $\Sigma _2$ -definable classes is equivalent to the existence of a strong cardinal. The main theorem (Theorem 5.11) shows, more generally, that $\mathrm {WVP}$ for $\Sigma _n$ -definable classes is equivalent to the existence of (...)
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    A Continuous Movement Version Of The Banach—tarski Paradox: A Solution To De Groot's Problem.Trevor M. Wilson - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (3):946-952.
    In 1924 Banach and Tarski demonstrated the existence of a paradoxical decomposition of the 3-ball B, i.e., a piecewise isometry from B onto two copies of B. This article answers a question of de Groot from 1958 by showing that there is a paradoxical decomposition of B in which the pieces move continuously while remaining disjoint to yield two copies of B. More generally, we show that if n ≥ 2, any two bounded sets in.
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    Critical Realism and Emergence in a Scaled Geography of Religion.Michael P. Ferber & Trevor M. Harris - 2013 - Journal of Critical Realism 12 (2):183 - 201.
    Scale is a contested concept in human geography fostering debates and contestation that have escalated to the point where some have argued for the term to be expunged from the geographical lexicon. Yet, despite the importance of scale in the geography of religion, the scalar debates in human geography have only rarely penetrated the conceptual base of the sub-discipline. This article addresses the scale debate through a case study of adherents in three churches in West Virginia, USA. The study explores (...)
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    A Loeb Classical Library Reader. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2006. 234 pp. Paper, $9.95. Anezeri, Sophia, N. Giannakopoulos, and P. Paschidis, eds., with the collaboration of Pelagia Avramidou and Eirini Kalogridou. Index du Bulletin Épigraphique (1987–2001). I: Les Publications; II: Les Mots Grecques; III: Les Mots Français. [REVIEW]Bruna M. Palumbo Stracca Hellenica, Robert Bittlestone, Antonella Borgo, Alan K. Bowman, Peter Garnsey, Averil Cameron, A. J. Boyle, Graziana Brescia, Trevor Bryce & Frederick W. Clayton - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127:477-483.
  42.  10
    Essays on Galileo and the History and Philosophy of Science.Stillman Drake, N. M. Swerdlow & Trevor Harvey Levere - 1999 - University of Toronto Press.
    For forty years, beginning with the publication of the first modern English translation of the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Stillman Drake was the most original and productive scholar of Galileo's scientific work of our age. During that time, he published sixteen books on Galileo, including translations of almost all the major writings, and Galileo at Work, the most comprehensive study of Galileo's life and works ever written. His collection Discoveries and Opinions on Galileohas remained in print since (...)
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    The consistency strength of the perfect set property for universally baire sets of reals.Ralf Schindler & Trevor M. Wilson - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (2):508-526.
    We show that the statement “every universally Baire set of reals has the perfect set property” is equiconsistent modulo ZFC with the existence of a cardinal that we call virtually Shelah for supercompactness. These cardinals resemble Shelah cardinals and Shelah-for-supercompactness cardinals but are much weaker: if $0^\sharp $ exists then every Silver indiscernible is VSS in L. We also show that the statement $\operatorname {\mathrm {uB}} = {\boldsymbol {\Delta }}^1_2$, where $\operatorname {\mathrm {uB}}$ is the pointclass of all universally Baire (...)
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  44. A Serious Videogame as an Additional Therapy Tool for Training Emotional Regulation and Impulsivity Control in Severe Gambling Disorder.Salomé Tárrega, Laia Castro-Carreras, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Roser Granero, Cristina Giner-Bartolomé, Neus Aymamí, Mónica Gómez-Peña, Juan J. Santamaría, Laura Forcano, Trevor Steward, José M. Menchón & Susana Jiménez-Murcia - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  45. A Serious Game to Improve Emotion Regulation in Treatment-Seeking Individuals With Gambling Disorder: A Usability Study.Teresa Mena-Moreno, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Roser Granero, Lucero Munguía, Trevor Steward, Hibai López-González, Amparo del Pino-Gutiérrez, María Lozano-Madrid, Mónica Gómez-Peña, Laura Moragas, Isabelle Giroux, Marie Grall-Bronnec, Anne Sauvaget, Bernat Mora-Maltas, Eduardo Valenciano-Mendoza, José M. Menchón & Susana Jiménez-Murcia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Serious games have shown positive results in increasing motivation, adherence to treatment and strengthening the therapeutic alliance in multiple psychiatric disorders. In particular, patients with impulse control disorders and other disorders in which the patient suffers from inhibitory control deficits have been shown to benefit from serious games.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics and to evaluate the usability of a new serious videogame, e-Estesia. This serious videogame was designed to improve emotion regulation in patients (...)
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  46. COVID-19 vaccination status should not be used in triage tie-breaking.Olivia Schuman, Joelle Robertson-Preidler & Trevor M. Bibler - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):1-3.
    This article discusses the triage response to the COVID-19 delta variant surge of 2021. One issue that distinguishes the delta wave from earlier surges is that by the time it became the predominant strain in the USA in July 2021, safe and effective vaccines against COVID-19 had been available for all US adults for several months. We consider whether healthcare professionals and triage committees would have been justified in prioritising patients with COVID-19 who are vaccinated above those who are unvaccinated (...)
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    A Comparison of DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Gambling Disorder in a Large Clinical Sample.Susana Jiménez-Murcia, Roser Granero, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Anne Sauvaget, Andreas Fransson, Anders Hakansson, Gemma Mestre-Bach, Trevor Steward, Randy Stinchfield, Laura Moragas, Neus Aymamí, Mónica Gómez-Peña, Amparo del Pino-Gutiérrez, Zaida Agüera, Marta Baño, Maria-Teresa Talón-Navarro, Àngel Cuquerella, Ester Codina & José M. Menchón - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    I am not interested in talking with you.Adam Peña & Trevor Bibler - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (4):7-9.
    Mr. M is an eighty-five-year-old who presented to the hospital with congestive heart failure exacerbation, pneumonia, altered mental status, and sepsis. A physician determines that he lacks capacity, and the team in the intensive care unit looks to the patient's daughter, Celia, as his surrogate decision-maker because she is named as an agent in his medical power of attorney form. While in the ICU, Mr. M suffers acute respiratory distress secondary to pneumonia and thus requires intubation. Celia accepts several life-sustaining (...)
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    Obesity: Pathogenesis and Management. Edited by Trevor Silverstone. Pp 240. (Medical and Technical Publishing Co, Lancaster, 1975.) Price £8.50. [REVIEW]R. A. McCance & E. M. Widdowson - 1976 - Journal of Biosocial Science 8 (2):175-176.
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    Constructing Contextual Webs - Changing Order: Replication and Induction in Scientific Practice H. M. Collins; Confronting Nature: The Sociology of Solar-Neutrino Detection Trevor Pinch.John A. Schuster - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):493-496.
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